Celebrate New Beginnings!
The Vernal Equinox is just around the corner…
This year in particular, after having such a cold, snowy winter, we are all especially eager to celebrate the coming spring. It’s hard to believe that there may still be SNOW (a new dirty four-letter word) on the ground. Egad!
In March, the vernal Equinox marks the sign of a new birth and on this day, March 20th, 2014 we will have an equal 12 hours for day and night. Typically we start to see earthworms, buds on trees and bulbs emerging. This is very refreshing!
We are as eager as everyone else to roll out our spring LINK below highlighting design ideas for containers and in-ground annual displays. Speaking of new beginnings, we have a full line of edible selections for kitchen herb pots and as early as March 24th (weather permitting) we expect to begin planting early spring vegetables in gardens all around us.
Early spring vegetables will include the following:
- Kale
- Swiss Chard
- A variety of mixed lettuce greens: Mesclun, Romaine, Red Oak, Butter, etc.
- Spinach
- Peas
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
Keep in mind that after the frost free date which in our area is typically after Mother’s Day, we’ll have a broad spectrum of summer vegetable choices.
Spring is a great time to get your herbs in a pot by the kitchen door or in your garden and we can supply those. Spring herbs we can provide include Chives, Oregano, Marjoram, Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Sage and Mint varieties.
Check out our Spring LINK below for ideas to whet your appetite and let us know what you like so we can help you create unique combinations to replace the winter greens in your containers.
NOTE: Keep in mind, the frost free date for summer in our area in zone 6 is May 22nd. Brave hearts often shoot for Mother’s Day.