2010 Hummingbird Migration Map

Hummingbird Migration Map

We have just finished with our third snow storm of the season in New Jersey so thinking about the northern migration of hummingbirds seems like its a long ways away…..but check out the above link and you will see that the 2010 migration has begun!!! They have been spotted in Florida and Texas at the end of February. These birds have migrated from South America/Latin America across the Gulf to land on our southern coastline. Follow the northern migration via the reported sightings on the web site and learn some great facts about these fascinating birds. Did you know they can back up in flight? Amazing creatures. So, if your a little tired of this winter season, hope for spring is on its way. The site will also help you realize when they are in your area so you can be sure to get your feeders out and full. Having hummers as a part of your garden experience is sure to delight you. Enjoy and spring is comming, the hummers know.